Thursday, November 19, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
i love the church but it is very hard for me to be apart of it. just because i m the pastor's son, there is a wall there. i love the church but there is always an invisible barrier. i m not treated like the others, i m the others according to them. and a lot of it has to do with gossips and slanders against my dad.
what can you do? it hurts. and worst when my family and i are affected also.
Internal Affair
Anyway, Internal Affair actually reminds me of church. There are these few people like moles from the triads that penetrate the police force, except that they are doing it at church for personal gains and other selfish reasons.
But the church at times are in an ever worst state because there might be a lack of awareness like TC.
The previous post is from a Lo Sir, pastor from TC and I think he just went over the line. He doesn't respect me all that much, nor my sister or my family for strange reasons. He treats other members of church really well but I get crap from him and I help him with stuff but I just don't get a thank you.
I actually liked the guy when I first met him. He was idealistic, now he's like this frightened little chicken, listen to gossips and he affected his behaviour and how he preaches. He's very indirect when he preaches so as not to offend some important people at church. One powerful deacon talked to him after one sermon and gradually he became less and less pronounced. He can give powerful and emotional messages but it would lack message from the Bible.
pastor going overboard on facebook
星期日, 一篇為母會和平堂而預備的心血講章, 憑着神而來的勇氣, 宣講了. 耶利米的不離不棄, 不在困難中讓步妥協, 亦不就此隻身而逃. 百姓走錯了路, 就陪你們走同一條路, 好讓你們在更困難的日子中, 仍然有先知宣講神的信息. 這就是先知的生命, 沒有這生命, 宣講就毫無意義了. 很激動的呢, 每次回到和平堂宣講, 都是激盪得把心都震出來似的. 又是愛與痛的邊緣嗎? 那裡有這麼多愛? 為何愛與痛會這那的相似?
星期日下午, 多倫多好友, 其實是小學, 中學, 大學, 都曾經同校的一位好友為我們一家預備了節目. 為我們預備了房車, 郊外的遊玩點, 還已主人家的方式款待我們. 其實有此機會與小朋友到郊外已經是神的恩賜, 更有機會與好朋友一家相聚, 做了什麼, 講了什麼, 都不相干了. 她丈夫問了我一個問題 "做傳人退休後有什麼打算? 其實無什麼保障" 口行行地回覆了, 今天心中仍有漣漪. 對, 我間中都會想到退休的問題, 即 "無野做" 的年月會怎好, 確實頗煩的. 但這問題是由一位弟兄問出, 我感到的是關心, 不只是對我的關心, 是對整個傳道人 "行業" 的關心. 因為就他的認識與觀察, 發現了這問題成了他的小疑問, 剛巧又遇上我, 才發問. 原來問題無處不在, 關心都同樣可以, 視乎我站在那一邊看.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Half the time I felt like I was being framed for crimes I never committed, judged on things I never did, labeled for things I did not do.
How can I bring people to church when it is so shit.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Ill-behaving members lead to clergy burnout
___By Hillary Wicai
___Religion News Service
___ST. LOUIS (RNS)--Bad behavior from church members is the leading cause of clergy burnout, according to a team of researchers hired by the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.
___Alan and Cheryl Klaas of Mission Growth Ministries were hired by the Lutheran Church to investigate the root causes of the clergy shortage it and many other mainline denominations currently face.
___"It was intended to be a traditional recruitment and retention study," Klaas said. For example, he thought he'd be recommending changes on issues like seminary communication with potential students.
___"We wondered if students got good services, if seminaries were recruiting the right people," he explained. But in the end, the Klaases concluded the problems are 20 percent institutional and 80 percent behavioral.
___"The fundamental finding is that people beating on each other is the main issue," Klaas said.
___The Klaases wrote a book about their findings. In "Quiet Conversations," a pastor and his wife struggle through ministry burnout. While the book is fiction, it is a collection of incidents that actually happened--incidents the Klaases believe illuminate why so many pastors burn out.
___The book talks of pastors' wives being chastised by members of the congregation for working outside the home. It includes stories of pastors and their families being alienated from their congregations because the pastors' wives asked to redecorate the parsonages.
___Hurt feelings lead to gossip, criticism, bad behavior from both congregations and pastors, and ultimately to burnout, Klaas said.
___"We heard about one situation where a pastor and his congregation were at such odds that he took a vacation and when he came home he discovered bullet holes in his house. So he sent his child more than 1,000 miles away to stay with relatives. But church members tracked the child down and harassed her over the phone," he said.
___Such behavior problems contribute to clergy burnout, he explained. "It affects pastor burnout because pastors get whipsawed trying to satisfy everyone while satisfying no one."
___The problem also affects clergy families, he said.
___Klaas estimates pastors' children made up about 40 percent of seminarians in the 1950s and '60s. It's a much different picture now at the two Missouri Synod seminaries. Last year, pastors' children were 5 percent of seminarians at one and 17 percent at the other.
___Klaas knows the problem crosses denominational lines. At a recent conference with officials from 25 denominations, 24 of the 25 representatives agreed the description of the problem applied to their denominations as well.
___"The denominations are very much aware of it, but it's being approached differently in each one," said Adair Lummis, faculty associate for research at the Hartford Institute for Religion Research at Hartford Seminary. The Hartford Institute surveyed more than 4,300 clergy in 1994 and found 32 percent of women and 28 percent of men had thought seriously about leaving church ministry in the last year.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
How do you let go of anger, hurt and bitterness?
Quite recently, I got to meet up with an old friend who was also a PK. I haven't seen him for at least 5 years. We grew up together in the youth group. When I left he was this goodie goodie, his father taught him to get up really early in the morning (I think at 5am) to read the Bible and pray (devotion). He was really proud of the fact. On the other hand, I was like the naughty boy, well, I wasn't evil, I was just playful.
But yea, he had seen a lot of nasty stuff and church and just don't like going to church anymore. He had been going to many different churches (like me), and just haven't been going lately. It sucks man. He is a good guy. He is a nice person. He was always a bit different, but everybody is. He doesn't like how church people judge others. Basically, he finds Christians to be hypocrites. I agree. I can relate to him as a pastor's kid. I realized that there was this bond, we have this understanding and connection. We didn't go into the details but we know what the other was talking about. He was mistreated and bullied. Ha, my whole family get mistreated. There's a little comfort in common experience and hurt.
I told him that if he needed anyone to "unload" on, he can always find me. I can take a lot of crap. I endured a lot of crap. For me, I don't talk about my pain and hurt in church in fear of discouraging people because the stuff that I go through are really nasty. But also because of that, other stuff just doesn't sound as bad and I developed this high tolerant for nasty stuff at church.
I think I was just forced to grow up, church-wise, way to quickly. I am basically just a freaking old church person who seen stuff that teenager and young man are not suppose to see in church. But no, I get to see all these crap and it makes me old. I see stuff that usually only elders and pastors see, stuff that people twice my age deal with. But I have to deal with them. They affect me tremendously. It's not natural, and I feel like I lost my youth. It is not suppose to be like that.
And it brings a lot of jealousy, bitterness and anger because I don't get to enjoy church and fellowship. I get jealous of others, even though I love them. I envy their fellowship together, I can never be like them. In ways I am more mature than some of the deacons, well, a lot of them, well at least half of them. But it's more their immaturity than anything. At least half of them are just weak on Biblical knowledge. The Bible tells us a lot about how to act and what to do, but they just don't know.
Friday, August 7, 2009
2 Faced man
I hope the person can walk the talk instead of talking one thing and doing the opposite. I don't know how he can face himself or God. Does he even believe in God or is he just using God for his own purpose? How can he face himself? How can he lie to himself? How can one who manipulates to get what he wants face himself went quoting something as upright as above? I just don't understand it. Either he's blind, don't know what the heck he is doing, is very arrogant, or ignorant or just plain stupid, actually even stupid people can tell right from wrong, so he must be delusional with some kind of mega ego mental illness. Who are you working for? The devil or God? He needs to submit to God instead of the other way around.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Can people just shut up? Stop gossiping and stop being troublemakers. The church can be much better if people just don't do stupid stuff. Stop gossiping. Stop spreading rumors. Stop influencing others for selfish reasons and start relying on God instead of yourself. Stop using stupid maneuvers to control others. Stop hosting pre-meeting, or other pre-pre meeting and post-meeting that don't involve everybody who are suppose to be on the actual official meeting, it just a waste of time...and yes, another maneuver to control outcome. What's with the insecurity.
Just relax and rely on God. Okay, maybe that is not their intentions, that's when the real troubles come.
People just need to grow up and be mature. Just do the right thing. How hard can that be? Those handfull of troublemakers, can you just stop?
Just stay quiet. Just do nothing. Stop starting fires here and there. If you have nothing good to say, don't say anything at all. Didn't your mom teach you that?
I wonder if they have any principles? Stay grounded. Just don't do things with ill intentions.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
strength in weakness
Life has been hard recently. I find myself short of temper and get mad easily. Not very Calvin-like. I used to pride myself on not showing emotion and staying in control, but I guess my heart is weary.
I know that my family and I are not in the worst spot. We have a lot to be thankful for but that doesn't make things easier. It is still hard. The devil is working hard at his craft.
But you know what? There are angels. There are encouragement. There are good things to fight for. Good things to sacrifice for. I must thank God and many other people for giving me opportunity to be useful and of service. Nothing beat that, to be useful in a positive ways.
God does listen to prayers. You might not realize it but He does answer prayers. I didn't know until now. And you can see how He kind of put you into places, even uncomfortable places, and you get to see the puzzle somewhat getting together. I really have a lot to be thankful for.
I am slowly understanding God's way. And that He has His timing.
A lot of times I don't know why certain things happen, and it seemed as if things were going for the worst but it's all part of His plan. Maybe it is an iceberg but the iceberg will teach us, make us fall and fail, but for the long-term benefits.
I don't know where things are going now. There seems to be a big shake up. It is a new group. Things can go either way, and it's out of our control and we just hope for the best, holding on to God's hand for every step and praying hard for those in leadership roles, trusting that all is in His good hands.
Monday, April 6, 2009
There was a time...
I was reminded by a young believer that God is in control. He really is, no matter what happen.
I still get upset by people. Some people are just very fake, phony and lie in broad daylight. But what can I do. There are things human can do, but I don't think I am wise enough to handle situations nicely. A lot of things can go wrong. Just pray for the best and that people won't be hurt. Pray for people to change for the better, to realize what is it that is really important, not themselves and their selfish goals.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Does it hurt me that people are turning their backs on me?
Yes, it does.
Does it make me turn away from God?
No way. It just shows me how much people need God and how weak and wicked people can be without God living in their lives.

滕牧師的記憶力驚人,講課不拿筆記或課本,就能系統地講述,到次上課,他不用問學生就能緊接上一課的內容講下去。學生有不明白時,他又能把上一課的內容一 字不漏的複述。據說有次某老師臨時請滕牧師代課,滕牧師進到教室問明學生這是什麼課程、上一課講到哪裡後,在沒有機會備課的情況下,就能接續講下去!學生 都聽得目瞪口呆。
畢業後我在宣道會秀茂坪堂事奉,看見滕牧師為宣道會區聯會全然擺上。當時區聯會沒有幹事,作主席的他凡事親力親為,親自寫年報,親自印報告分發給代表。我 受他的領袖風範感染,自薦為區聯會部份時間幹事,協助聯會事工。我為著北宣願意給滕牧師有一半時間在教會外事奉,感謝神和北宣。
那時滕牧師主持執行委員會,地點多在舊北宣雲華大廈的一間餐廳,開會連午飯只需一小時,非常有效率。後期有較多年輕牧者成為執委成員,他為了提攜後輩,改 在北宣開會,讓大家有充份時間討論和決定議案,而且他很樂意聽取不同意見。
每次滕牧師從外國回來,我到他辦公室,他總是關心各堂會和各堂同工的近況。有一次我告訴他大埔堂準備購買新址擴堂,但堂主任朱蔭康牧師說該堂經濟很緊,可 能要向北宣求助。想不到沒多久北宣就奉獻了一筆頗大的金錢給大埔堂。後來朱牧師告訴我,當時他很驚訝,因為大埔堂執事會根本還未開會和寫信向北宣求助!這 件事令我有很深刻的印象,滕牧師不單關心,更是迅速、實際地幫助堂會和同工。
滕近輝 BA, BD, LL.D,(1922年1月15日-)出生,他是基督教宣道會牧師,為著名華人教會牧者、'驅動差傳事工'的先鋒;亦是書法家、音樂家及神學教育家。 滕 近輝原籍山東青島,畢業於國立西北大學外文系,隨後遠赴蘇格蘭愛丁堡大學神學院深造,1950年畢業。1956年,滕近輝出任宣道會北角堂傳道,翌年被按 立為牧師,於宣道會北角堂牧養信徒達30年之久。1977年,滕近輝牧師與滕傅忠愛師母以身作則,前往印尼加里曼丹宣教一年。1987年退休後赴美,於紐 約州宣道會總會附設之「乃役學院(Nyack College)」北美華人教會事工道學碩士課程擔任系主任。 滕牧師曾先後出任建道神學院及中國神 學研究院義務院長,並曾擔任宣道會香港區聯會、世界華人福音事工聯絡中心、宣道出版社等十多間機構的董事會主席。現為宣道會香港區聯會榮譽主席及榮譽牧顧 長、宣道會北角堂榮譽顧問牧師、牧職神學院講師、世界華福會國際會榮譽主席等。現時,宣道會北角堂是香港宣道會中最大的教會,每主日崇拜人數超過五千人。 滕近輝牧師於1952年與傅忠愛女士結婚,育有子孫十多名。傅忠愛師母於1993年1月28日離世後,滕牧師於1997年11月8日與張佳音教士結婚(後者當時為牧職神學院院長),現時夫婦二人仍然活躍於基督教界,培育信徒。 滕近輝牧師著作 譯作: 音/視作品: 於2002年,宣道出版社為其八十大壽誌慶,發行《金輝歲月──滕近輝牧師八秩榮壽紀念》一書,當中把滕牧師多年來的詩作、書法、珍貴照片,以及過往著作中一些精警而充滿屬靈智慧的語句等整理,輯錄成書。 《路標》 (1971,宣道出版社) 《寫給信仰的追尋者》 (1971,宣道出版社) 《我是誰》(1975,道聲出版社) 《不自由的自由》(1978,道聲出版社) 《現代教會路線》(1978,校園團契出版社) 《靈力剖視-聖靈比喻研究》(1979,天道書樓) 《使徒時代教會的十二個危機》 (1982,宣道出版社) 《那從天上來的異象》(1982,宣道出版社) 《生命的事奉》 (1984,宣道出版社) 《八十年代的新挑戰》(1985,美國更新傳道會/基道出版社) 《時代的挑戰》 (1986,宣道出版社) 《詩苑靈程》(1987,宣道出版社) 《愛徒的叮嚀-約翰書信研究》(1989,宣道出版社) 《十二個基本屬靈律則》(1990,美國福音證主協會) 《舊約輔讀‧永恒之約 (卷上)》(1993,與曾立華合著,香港讀經會) 《那一程-滕近輝牧師、師母印尼加里曼丹宣教記》(1994,突破出版社) 《給我羊-滕近輝牧師牧養感言》 (1995,宣道出版社) 《在聖靈中長進》(1997,宣道出版社) 《聖經中的國度真理》 (1998,宣道出版社) 《活出和諧與美好》(1999,宣道出版社) 《偏差與平衡》(2002,宣道出版社) 《良言善導》(2004,與滕張佳音合著,宣道出版社) 《認識撒但的詭計》(2006,宣道出版社) 《認識勝利的人生》(2006,宣道出版社) 《一份禮物-給事奉的人》(中國神學研究院) 《聖經中的十大異象》(宣道出版社) 《靈程高處的經歷》(校園書房出版社) 《飲於能力之源》(陶恕、邦茲、古約翰著,1974,宣道出版社) 《祈禱出來的能力/POWER THROUGH PRAYER》(E.M.BOUNDS著,1972,宣道出版社) 《現代心靈的疾病》(狄樂恩著,宣道出版社) 《歲月燃燒》(1995,福音傳播中心) 與及一系列專題錄音帶、錄影(像)帶製品。 |
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
To know thyself
- Job security in a insecure world
- I don't know what the heck I am to do with my life
- I want to speak on stage every Sunday
- Power lust
- Lust for leadership role
- Selfish ambition
- Flexible working hours
- Desire to be popular and well-liked
jar of clay
Monday, February 23, 2009
Eugene Peterson on pastoral ministry
Many people think there’s a crisis in ministry today -- a crisis of morality or of morale. How do you see it?
My sense is that many people take on the role of pastor without ever learning it from the inside out. As I said, I do think for those who are called to it the pastoral life is really a good life. Not an easy life, but one full of resonances with everything else that’s going on in creation and in history.
I get the sense these days that many of my colleagues have external rewards in view. How do I become a good leader? How do I get published? How do I do this? How do I do that? Those are questions that are beside the point.
We’re not a market-driven church, and the ministry is not a market-driven vocation. We’re not selling anything, and we’re not providing goods and services. If a pastor is not discerning and discriminating about the claims of his or her vocation and about the claims of a congregation, then the demands or the desires of the congregation can dominate what he or she is doing -- and that creates the conditions for nonpastoral work.
And then you can lose your morals and your morale, because you’re not working at anything that has any biblical order to it. One’s experience lacks, if I could use a fancy word, any trinitarian inclusiveness or integration.
If you look at the numbers and money, American churches in some ways are the most successful churches ever. And yet, I think it could be argued, we’re at probably one of the low points because of the silliness and triviality that characterize so much of church life these days. This is one of the reasons I think pastoral work is best handled in a fairly small setting.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Weary Heart
At times it's like a battle. It's like going into a war zone, a battlefield. A spiritual battle with good against evil. I just have be on my guard there, it's super tiring and emotionally draining.
I notice how some people have backed away as they see me, and that warmth which was once there is not there anymore. And I don't really know why, but I can guess. It's not the first time. I have been through similar experience before. Something bad is going on. Lines are being drawn. It's painful and confusing. People who usually would come up and talk to me, or smile now kind of just turn "cold" . The usual "hi" or smile isn't there anymore. All I get is silent.
It is something that I was somewhat afraid of when I came to this church.
To tell the truth, I would actually like to avoid going to church on Sunday, at least not Sunday service with all the people. It's just a very high pressured place at times. Saturday seems to be a simpler day with less people.
Dad gave a long sermon today. His sermons aren't bad, but it stresses me out sometimes to be there listening to his sermon. Sometimes it's embarrassing when he mentions me or use another one of those examples or stories that I had heard so many times before. I can be so critical on his sermons, more so than any other preachers. Sometimes it's tense for me and I worry about how people might react.
Being a pastor is a very lonely and high-pressured work. I feel some of the loneliness and pressure just being a pastor's son, imagine the things he has to go through! I am actually quite amazed about how he and other pastors take all the pressure yet not make compromises.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Are You Called To Be A Pastor?
How does a person know if they are called to be a pastor? How does a person know what God is calling them to do? Below are some questions to consider for those who may be in the feeling stage of considering their call. Why is it important to consider carefully and prayerfully one’s call, especially a call to be a pastor? I am convinced that to enter pastoral ministry without God’s call is one of the greatest deceptions of the devil. This is so because the one who is deceived and drawn into pastoral ministry apart from God’s call, will suffer great personal loss if not shipwreck their lives and the lives of their loved ones. But worse, the one who ventures into ministry for the wrong reasons will be powerless to prevent the desecration of God’s holy name. The non-called pastor , the non-called person in any position, is one of Satan’s most effective weapons. (See 1 Timothy 4; 2 Timothy 3-4; 2 Peter 2; Jude; and Revelation 2-3).
Furthermore, there is another enemy in discerning the call to be a pastor, it is called self. There is something attractive to people about standing in front of a group and speaking. This is often at the root of a person’s interest in pastoral ministry. Because of this the person considering whether or not they are called to be a pastor needs to really reflect and prayerfully consider their motives. Is pride involved? Is this “calling” self-serving or self-crucifying? Really pray about your motives. Is this “call” from inside you or heavenly in origin? Satan will seek to sneak into a person’s life through their self and oftentimes snares them on the hooks of pride. He should know, he’s hooked himself (Isaiah 14:12-17; Ezekiel 28:11-19).
- Discerning God’s Will –
What evidence is there that you are called to be a pastor? Do you have a plan to discern God’s will? Do you have a history of feeling called to do something only to leave the work unfinished? If so, what makes this “feeling” or sense of a call different? Have you truly put yourself on God’s altar and opened yourself to His will no matter what that might mean in regards to your own personal desires? (See Romans 12:1-2 as well as Joshua 1:8; Psalm 37:5; 119:168; 143:8; Proverbs 3:6; Hebrews 4:16).
- Evidence of Pastoral Call –
- Origin of Call – How was this “call” initiated, by you or someone else? Genuine calls are usually brought to light by others who see it in you before you “feel” it in you. If you had not felt the call and initiated it, would anyone else have seen it in you or brought it to your or someone else’s attention? If someone other than yourself has initiated recognition of your call, what is the basis of their observation? Are they simply confirming something that you have sent a message about in some way and therefore trying to affirm you and please you more than they are observing a work of God in you and through you? Jesus initiated the call in the lives of the disciples; they did not come to Him to initiate it. The call by Jesus is more of a follow Me than it is a let me follow You. (Matthew 4:18-22; 10:1-4)
- Small Groups – Do you take an active role in small group activity? (e.g. Sunday School class; Home Bible Study) It is here where the fruit of a pastoral call is usually seen first. What fruit or evidence of a pastoral call is present in the small groups ministry? Do small group Bible studies “take off” or grow and bear lasting fruit as a result of God working through you? Or, do you find teaching in and leading a small group difficult, uncomfortable, and unfruitful?
- Interpersonal Evidence - What evidence is there of being able to relate to people in a pastoral way? Do you tend to be frustrated with people or patient with people? Are you able to communicate with people by both listening and speaking to them? Is communication one way, your way? Are you gracious with people? Do you love people? (Galatians 6:1-5; 2 Timothy 2:24-26; 1 Peter 5:1-4).
- Teaching – Has the Lord opened a door of opportunity for you to teach? If not, why not? Lack of opportunity may indicate this spiritual gift is not present. If the opportunity has presented itself, what fruit of a spiritual gift of teaching was apparent? Pastors need to be able to teach (Ephesians 4:11-12; 1 and 2 Timothy). What evidence is there in your life of an ability to teach? Is there evidence that you can effectively communicate God’s word in an edifying manner? If a person cannot excel in Biblical studies, if God’s anointing is not present in this area, are they called to pastoral ministry? (E.g. Calvary Chapel Bible College/ Extension courses or similar studies – Do you revel and thrive in the work and preparation? Or was the work a burden?)
- Godly Counsel – What do others (Christians and Christian leaders) think about you being called to pastoral ministry? Do they see it in your life? Can they clearly see evidence of such a call? If so, why? If not, why not? Are you open to their godly opinion or is your mind made up? The counsel of others is important to decision making (Proverbs 11:14; 15:22; 20:18; 24:6)
- Service – Do you have a servant’s heart? Are you willing to serve in obscurity? Have you ever done so? Are you willing to do whatever God wants whenever He wants it done? Even if that means you are not called to pastoral ministry? (Mark 10:45; Luke 9:23-26; John 13; Philippians 2:5-11).
- Anointing – Last and most importantly, is there evidence of God’s anointing on you as a pastor? Is it clear or questionable? Can you go through the questions in this Are You Called To Be A Pastor? Study and confidently answer “yes” to these questions? If not, why not? What is the Lord saying to you? Are you rationalizing your responses to bend them in the way you would have them to go? Be honest.
- Existing Ministry –
What area of ministry has God gifted you in? Would God have a person begin ministries only to leave them prematurely? Would God open doors to ministry and not have a person walk through them? If God has given you a gift to do a certain ministry, then that is probably where He is calling you to minister. As an unprofitable servant it would be inappropriate to rebel against and wiggle out of the way God wants to use you (Luke 17:10).
It would be best to test the waters in ministry locally to see where God’s gifting is in your life, rather than embark in life altering plans based on insufficient evidence or feeling. If God blesses and his call is sure, then proceed in that call, but if He does not bless, you will save yourself a lot of heartache and frustration by moving on and discovering where God really does want to use you. (See 1 Corinthians 7:17,24)
- Gifting –
Some have mistakenly used Paul’s inspired words in 1 Corinthians 1-2 and 2 Corinthians 3:5-6 as justifying the use of anybody, regardless of God’s gifting, to enter ministry. The foolish things God uses are foolish from the world’s perspective, not God’s perspective. The ones God chooses to minister are gifted by the Spirit to do the work He calls them to do (1 Corinthians 12:1-11; Ephesians 4:11-12). Therefore, if God is calling a person to be a pastor-teacher, they will show evidence of spiritual gifting for such a calling. If God is calling a person to be a pastor then His power working in and through that called person will be evident in such an area. The gifting evidence accompanies the call. A “call” without evidence is suspect. Would God give a person gifts (e.g. Pastor-teaching, evangelism, musically for worship, etc.) that are blessed and spiritually powerful in ministry and then not call that person to that ministry? The calling usually is accompanied by gifts related to the ministry the Lord is calling a person to fulfill. Why would God gift and bless in an area of ministry, seemingly lead a person into an area of ministry, only to have the person “sense” a calling to another area of ministry? Does God give contrary evidence? If you look at the beginnings of the Calvary Chapel movement and the pastors God raised up, (E.g. Greg Laurie, Raul Ries, Mike McIntosh, Jon Courson, they were not initially learned or schooled in seminaries or Bible schools, but they had been discipled under the teaching of Pastor Chuck Smith and when they took over situations such as small group Bible Studies, the fruit that followed made it very clear of the calling of God in their lives.
- Pastoral Perspective –
Do you have a realistic view of pastoral ministry? Ministry is not only teaching, or being in view of a group of people, it is above all serving. It is administrating, shepherding, discipling. It is running to the hospital to be at the beside of the sick and doing so at any time of night or day. It’s uncomfortable situations galore when you are called upon by God to rebuke, exhort, correct and encourage. It’s disciplining those who do not see that ministry is service and not a bully pulpit for their own agenda. It is taking a stand against carnal folly and superficiality when those who indulge in such things often rally the unwitting crowd against you. It is speaking the truth in love, no matter what.
Pastoral ministry is serving the Lord and sacrificing time with your family. Your wife and children will miss you every time you step out to minister and you will constantly be reminded of the cost of such a venture. You will be convicted and torn, but you will continue on because God’s call is on your life and you trust the Lord and His grace to compensate for your failings.
Pastoral ministry is always subordinating your will to the will of God. It is never self-serving and always self-crucifying. It is a life of continual sacrifice. It is living in a fishbowl and being the brunt of accusations, insinuations and outright falsehoods made by people who are really not informed of the entire truth of the pastoral situation. Its receiving comments and criticisms offered in a good-natured way about your ministry and wondering if there is something more substantially meant beneath the surface. Pastoral ministry will drive you to paranoia if you are not called by God. Pastoral ministry is depending upon God to defend you in such situations rather than defending yourself (1 Peter 5:6). It is having people pick at your family, judge you, assess not only your pluses and minuses, but all your families’ as well. It’s not reacting to such “attacks” fueled by the enemy who seeks to get to the pastor through those closest to him.
Pastoral ministry is constantly relying on God and patiently working with people who are often transient, or sitting back, uncommitted, or simply infants in Christ. It is waiting on God in service. In it’s beginnings it is often working a full time job, heading up a family, and being used by God to serve in a work of His that may require you to remain in such a situation for years, with no guarantee that it will ever end, (a pastor may be bi-vocational for their entire ministry). The pastoral ministry is not a means of “great gain” (1 Timothy 6:3-10).
Pastoral ministry is serving in obscurity. It is living in a part of the world that only the pastor and God can fully comprehend, no one else, not a wife, not a friend, not even another pastor at times. It is often a humanly lonely calling solely between the pastor and God.
Even so, pastoral ministry is a joy to the called. It is the only option for the called pastor. If you can find happiness and satisfaction in anything else, you are not called to be a pastor. Pastoral ministry is not an alternative and last resort for someone who has failed in every other area of their life and figures, “Hmm, everything else has failed, why not give pastoring a try?” Beware; pastoral ministry is a frustrating hurricane that will blow down the presumptuous who are not called. Those who enter in with presumptuous perceptions of grandeur, of being golden-tongued orators in front of thousands, will soon learn that the weight of ministry will squash those who enter in by their own strength rather than the grace that comes with the call of God. Pastoral ministry is serving God with no other reward but to know that by relying totally on God, He will one day say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
We often casually read the description by Paul of his ministry, but as the pastor matures in their ministry they learn and see the truth of this description more and more. Read what Paul said about his ministry and what it means to have a pastor’s heart – 2 Corinthians 3:5-6; 4:2,8-11; 5:14-15; 11:16-23; 12:11-21. Truly a pastor’s call is expressed by the following words of Paul who wrote:
“For I am already being poured out as a drink offering,” - 2 Timothy 4:6a
If you are called to be a pastor, nothing else will satisfy or do for you, and though the road may be hard, God’s call and grace will sustain you. If you are not called, and you venture out haphazardly in your own strength, you are doomed to a life of frustration and folly and will have missed the work God would have blessed.
The words shared above are not to discourage the one who is called by God. In fact, the one called by God will find assurance of their call if they prayerfully apply these questions to their lives. The purpose of such a study is to spare people the frustration and failure that might come by entering into a holy calling presumptively apart from God’s actual call. It is also meant to spare the church any more scorn and poor witness that has come via those who are self-servingly involved in pastoral ministry. When Peter had denied the Lord, Jesus didn’t throw him on the scrap heap, He restored him. But Jesus restored Peter in a way that confirmed his calling and assured him of God’s will in his life. Jesus did this by asking him a few questions:
- John 21:15-17 – “So when they had eaten breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me more than these?” He said to Him, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.” He said to him, “Feed My lambs.”16 He said to him again a second time, “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me?” He said to Him, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.” He said to him, “Tend My sheep.”17 He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me?” Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, “Do you love Me?” And he said to Him, “Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You.” Jesus said to him, “Feed My sheep.” 1
Now I do not quote this passage to get a rise of emotion out of the reader; I quote this to hopefully strike to the heart of the situation. Peter was asked repeatedly by Jesus, “Do you love me?” Love of Jesus is the center of our relationship with Him. All decisions should be based on that motivation, our love for Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:14-15). Now the point here is not that those who are actually called by God to be a pastor are more loving of Jesus; not at all. The point here is do you love Jesus enough to do whatever He wants you to do? Even if that means you are not to serve him as a pastor? That’s the point. If you love Jesus, you can serve Him joyfully from the heart whether He calls you to do so as a pastor or not. The answer to that question gets to the heart of the truth and the truth at heart, about your “call” to be a pastor; about your call to be anything God wants you to be. May God guide you and call you according to His will.
Claude T. Stauffer is pastor of Calvary Chapel of Hope, P.O. Box 143, Bethpage, Long Island, New York 11714-0143.
For information on other teachings, church services, or if you have a question please contact us by mail,
the church website at, or call 631-224-1761.
Copyright © 2001 Claude T. Stauffer,
All rights reserved.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Things to say to PKs
Seriously, things that people talk to me about would usually send people away to another church in the least and make them stop believing in God altogether.
I wish people can at least "act" more "Christian" at church rather than being rude and insulting to their fellow brothers and sisters.
I guess PKs are just not part of the "brothers and sisters" of the church. We are something different. We are the aliens. We are disposable. Same with pastors.
I just wonder if those people ever consider us to have "feelings" too, that we are also human. I wonder if they know how unreasonable and hurtful the words they say hurt people. Well, many of them said those things intentionally. How evil. Really wonder how we can call ourselves "Christians", why don't we just call ourselves "shitheads"? Rev David Pao was right when he said we are all "scums".
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
Some Tips for Pastor's Kids
On serving at church
You don't have to say "Yes" all the time. Mix some 'Nos" in there. Just don't say "No" all the time. Don't become an automatic yesman.
Serve in areas you like and find your gifts.
Remember that you are just another person at church, not a paid staff as some churchgoers might think of you to be. Your parent is the pastor, not you.
Be who you are, what God made you to be, not what churchgoers think you should be.
我以為自己不是把痛快 (就是愛與痛) 表達得很痛快嗎? 點解變成 "憂"呢? 真是要再苦練苦練下, 要再掌握得好一點.
難怪某某人講: "寫好了的文章, 作者就是死了, 讀者才是活的". 這就是寫作的既神秘又好玩之處.
anyway, be assured, God provides. 事奉 never ends. God doesn't forsake His faithful servant.
Finally, I dont want to talk about the retirement anymore, since my article is talking about my passion with my family, my mother church and my buddy. Please, try to read between the lines.
And you are right about no 保障. It's sad, those old people who pick cans and 紙皮. ... Read MoreIt's not right in a society as rich and small as HK. I noticed in Chinese society, there is this narrow view of education where education is about passing the exams, and getting high score, certificates and not really about learning. That's why there's so many cases of cheating from Chinese students in universities.
Thanks for the explanation. I think you touched on many interesting topics and issues in your writing but it is very difficult to discuss on fb, words just get lost in translation. Talk to you when i see you~ Emmanuel
"misinterpret" ?, how can we interpret it in better way?
On the above, I just want to ask "why not ?", why it is not balance? If it is really not balance in your mind, it is waste. Of course, you can say you did not use the word "waste", but this is not misinterpret I think. About the irrational througt of "not balance", I think I did elaborate my points on above. That's why I disagree with you firstly.
Secondly, It is all depends how do you define retirement. In fact, no one try to or want to define it in my article and the responses, so I do think no one can comment others' point of veiw of retiremet here. That's why I disagree with what you said "something is wrong when all that people think is about 退休." what do you mean "all that people" ? who are they? How can you prove it shold be right or wrong? Actually, this is call "Argument from silence", hope you know that team. You know, you are not asking a question, but a statment. How can we interpret it in a better way? ... Read More
You said "words just get lost in translation". I believe writing is a art of communication, so I love to write very carefully. If writing is not a good way to communicate, how do we know talk face to face is more better way? What is the problem? I am asking a question with no answer.
it is based on my notion that people in HK think about "退休" a lot, probably because they work very hard and lack 保障 as you mentioned. Base on my observation, I do find HK people, generally speaking, to be working very hard and lack security, especially when comparing with their overseas counterparts. And they do talk about 退休 more than Americans or Australians.
I don't think it's healthy/balanced when people thinking and worrying about 退休 so much. I do find people in Hong Kong working too hard and getting too stressed over it, which is basically an unbalanced lifestyle. So I was saying the general lifestyle for the general population of HK is unbalanced. ... Read More
I was writing in metaphor, so please don't take my words literally. I am also using casual American English so I realize that you are misreading what I wrote.
i think talking face to face is better communication because we don't only use words to communication, we also use tone, volume, hand gesture, body language, facial expression to communicate. Words is just a small part of it, and words can easily be misinterpreted depend on where you are from. And it doesn't help with our different language and cultural background.
Do you see this confusion, this is so typical facebook confusion. I am sure we experienced this before. Words get misinterpreted and it's very common.
so better talk to you when i see you. it would be so much easier. this is cool. it's a good discussion but i think the points are missing the points haha.
Of course, you are useing a metaphor, thats why the reader should use the imagination to interpret the writer's meaning. I sure that, once the writer use metaphor, he / she has a purpose to resrve the rooms for the imagination. Do you agree with that? If you agree, the "not balance" is a sence of "negative" right? So, as a reader, I can use the negative word "waste" to fill in. Of course, different reader can use different word to fill in a metarphor, this is call "Reader responses" ( I think you should know this term). The question is, what is the subject? In the context of your first respons, I got the subject is "the people whose life is work hard in school to get good grades to go to a good university to get a good job to 提早退休 " . However, I dont think it is essentially wrong, thats why I did elaborate my disagreement on above.
The key argument , which is I call it an "Argument from silence", is how do the people plan to contribute to the society? it is not depends on working or retirment. However, we cant make a easy conclusion here.
... Read More
I want to share some more about communication. I think communication is a progress, is a movement of developing. Once two or more guys just talk to defend the self but not base on the movement, it is not a communication. Therefore, the means of communication is not the most important element, write or talk face to face are not prefect, since the limitations of human. If you talk to someone face to face who always said that in chinese " 我有講, 但不是這意思" or "我無講, 但我有這一個意思" always like that, Kill me man, face to face is so cruel. I just tell you my experience but not our conversation on above, ok?
If you still have the interest to understand the dynamics of our conversation, and if you dont mind to waste you time, just read the above again and find out want is our connection and disconnection. As a writer, I am very interesting to the reader responses, I will think how come the reader got this got that which's I am not expected, what did I write? sometimes got lost, sometimes so funny.
my point was that 退休 should not be the purpose and meaning of studying, working hard and life.
yes, this is really amusing...
This is from yahoo's dictionary:
The drought wasted the land 旱災使田地荒蕪。... Read More
waste is a verb here.
may be I should use "wasted".
my word in chinese is "退休使苦學得來的白費了", this is what i got from your first respons.
dont worry, I just try to understand what you write but not who you are. Surely, you can have your own point of view which's not as same as me. I enjoy writing and also accept the limiation of it. Everything has limiation la.
Thats why I dont think we talk face to face is better.
Do you really see what I mean?... Read More
Have you talk to others like that usually?
I tell you, I am not angry, but disappointed, since I did you my heart and time to show my concern to your responses.
ok, I think we need a easy way to let go.
1. You said that I misunderstood your point of view, I accepted it now, since I respect you but not logically.
2. Also, I hope you can accept my conclusion too, which is you have not try hard to understand my points of view to your explanations and not communicate base on the movement of the argument.
... Read More
According to the disconnected reasoning, this two points are the fact. We have two different idea without ethical right or wrong.
That's it on this topic.
For the retirement protection about pastors, it echoed a bit with Rev. Chu's sharing ytd.
About the Rev. Chu's sharing which is you have mentioned. I believe it shoud be a coincidence. I dont and cant believe a pastor is using the public preaching time on Sunday Service to echo a personal discussion. Therefore, it shuold be coincidence.