Thursday, August 27, 2009

How do you let go of anger, hurt and bitterness?

,How do you let go of anger, hurt and bitterness?

Quite recently, I got to meet up with an old friend who was also a PK. I haven't seen him for at least 5 years. We grew up together in the youth group. When I left he was this goodie goodie, his father taught him to get up really early in the morning (I think at 5am) to read the Bible and pray (devotion). He was really proud of the fact. On the other hand, I was like the naughty boy, well, I wasn't evil, I was just playful.

But yea, he had seen a lot of nasty stuff and church and just don't like going to church anymore. He had been going to many different churches (like me), and just haven't been going lately. It sucks man. He is a good guy. He is a nice person. He was always a bit different, but everybody is. He doesn't like how church people judge others. Basically, he finds Christians to be hypocrites. I agree. I can relate to him as a pastor's kid. I realized that there was this bond, we have this understanding and connection. We didn't go into the details but we know what the other was talking about. He was mistreated and bullied. Ha, my whole family get mistreated. There's a little comfort in common experience and hurt.

I told him that if he needed anyone to "unload" on, he can always find me. I can take a lot of crap. I endured a lot of crap. For me, I don't talk about my pain and hurt in church in fear of discouraging people because the stuff that I go through are really nasty. But also because of that, other stuff just doesn't sound as bad and I developed this high tolerant for nasty stuff at church.

I think I was just forced to grow up, church-wise, way to quickly. I am basically just a freaking old church person who seen stuff that teenager and young man are not suppose to see in church. But no, I get to see all these crap and it makes me old. I see stuff that usually only elders and pastors see, stuff that people twice my age deal with. But I have to deal with them. They affect me tremendously. It's not natural, and I feel like I lost my youth. It is not suppose to be like that.

And it brings a lot of jealousy, bitterness and anger because I don't get to enjoy church and fellowship. I get jealous of others, even though I love them. I envy their fellowship together, I can never be like them. In ways I am more mature than some of the deacons, well, a lot of them, well at least half of them. But it's more their immaturity than anything. At least half of them are just weak on Biblical knowledge. The Bible tells us a lot about how to act and what to do, but they just don't know.

So every now and then I would think about the pain, the hurt and this loneliness. A friend once told me that I need to find someone to talk about this to, but who? I have pastor friend but not really anybody at my age. And it's more about how I lost something and how it is so unfair. 

My friend he left church and he shared that he did something he regret. He came back to tell a young girl that he regretted it and that you can never go wrong with God so always stick with God. That was a pivotal moment I think. He still believes in Jesus, he just for a time did not believe in Christians. And you know what? Why should we? But God also commanded us to love the church and make sacrifice for it. 

So how you overcome pain, hurt, anger, bitterness and etc? I don't know. But I just have to put my trust in God that the wounds would heal. And maybe he will my hurts for good. 

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