Tuesday, April 14, 2009

strength in weakness

I just came up with the title...and the post probably isn't about that.

Life has been hard recently. I find myself short of temper and get mad easily. Not very Calvin-like. I used to pride myself on not showing emotion and staying in control, but I guess my heart is weary.

I know that my family and I are not in the worst spot. We have a lot to be thankful for but that doesn't make things easier. It is still hard. The devil is working hard at his craft.

But you know what? There are angels. There are encouragement. There are good things to fight for. Good things to sacrifice for. I must thank God and many other people for giving me opportunity to be useful and of service. Nothing beat that, to be useful in a positive ways.

God does listen to prayers. You might not realize it but He does answer prayers. I didn't know until now. And you can see how He kind of put you into places, even uncomfortable places, and you get to see the puzzle somewhat getting together. I really have a lot to be thankful for.

I am slowly understanding God's way. And that He has His timing.

A lot of times I don't know why certain things happen, and it seemed as if things were going for the worst but it's all part of His plan. Maybe it is an iceberg but the iceberg will teach us, make us fall and fail, but for the long-term benefits.

I don't know where things are going now. There seems to be a big shake up. It is a new group. Things can go either way, and it's out of our control and we just hope for the best, holding on to God's hand for every step and praying hard for those in leadership roles, trusting that all is in His good hands.

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