I just came up with the title...and the post probably isn't about that.
Life has been hard recently. I find myself short of temper and get mad easily. Not very Calvin-like. I used to pride myself on not showing emotion and staying in control, but I guess my heart is weary.
I know that my family and I are not in the worst spot. We have a lot to be thankful for but that doesn't make things easier. It is still hard. The devil is working hard at his craft.
But you know what? There are angels. There are encouragement. There are good things to fight for. Good things to sacrifice for. I must thank God and many other people for giving me opportunity to be useful and of service. Nothing beat that, to be useful in a positive ways.
God does listen to prayers. You might not realize it but He does answer prayers. I didn't know until now. And you can see how He kind of put you into places, even uncomfortable places, and you get to see the puzzle somewhat getting together. I really have a lot to be thankful for.
I am slowly understanding God's way. And that He has His timing.
A lot of times I don't know why certain things happen, and it seemed as if things were going for the worst but it's all part of His plan. Maybe it is an iceberg but the iceberg will teach us, make us fall and fail, but for the long-term benefits.
I don't know where things are going now. There seems to be a big shake up. It is a new group. Things can go either way, and it's out of our control and we just hope for the best, holding on to God's hand for every step and praying hard for those in leadership roles, trusting that all is in His good hands.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
There was a time...
There was a time when I get very emotional and affected by all the discouraging things at church, but now I am like...kind of putting it at the back of my head, not letting myself get all stressed up and worried.
I was reminded by a young believer that God is in control. He really is, no matter what happen.
I still get upset by people. Some people are just very fake, phony and lie in broad daylight. But what can I do. There are things human can do, but I don't think I am wise enough to handle situations nicely. A lot of things can go wrong. Just pray for the best and that people won't be hurt. Pray for people to change for the better, to realize what is it that is really important, not themselves and their selfish goals.
I was reminded by a young believer that God is in control. He really is, no matter what happen.
I still get upset by people. Some people are just very fake, phony and lie in broad daylight. But what can I do. There are things human can do, but I don't think I am wise enough to handle situations nicely. A lot of things can go wrong. Just pray for the best and that people won't be hurt. Pray for people to change for the better, to realize what is it that is really important, not themselves and their selfish goals.
Friday, April 3, 2009
I try to not let it bother me. Some people might think that I am an idiot, or innocent. Cause it doesn't make sense right? Why throw your heart out when (some) people are stepping on it? Why serve at a place where it is hurting you and your love ones? Am I doing for myself? No. Am I doing it for man? Partially. Am I doing it for God? Yes. God brings selfish man to do more unselfish things.
Does it hurt me that people are turning their backs on me?
Yes, it does.
Does it make me turn away from God?
No way. It just shows me how much people need God and how weak and wicked people can be without God living in their lives.
Does it hurt me that people are turning their backs on me?
Yes, it does.
Does it make me turn away from God?
No way. It just shows me how much people need God and how weak and wicked people can be without God living in their lives.
to live is to Christ, to die is to gain

滕牧師的記憶力驚人,講課不拿筆記或課本,就能系統地講述,到次上課,他不用問學生就能緊接上一課的內容講下去。學生有不明白時,他又能把上一課的內容一 字不漏的複述。據說有次某老師臨時請滕牧師代課,滕牧師進到教室問明學生這是什麼課程、上一課講到哪裡後,在沒有機會備課的情況下,就能接續講下去!學生 都聽得目瞪口呆。
畢業後我在宣道會秀茂坪堂事奉,看見滕牧師為宣道會區聯會全然擺上。當時區聯會沒有幹事,作主席的他凡事親力親為,親自寫年報,親自印報告分發給代表。我 受他的領袖風範感染,自薦為區聯會部份時間幹事,協助聯會事工。我為著北宣願意給滕牧師有一半時間在教會外事奉,感謝神和北宣。
那時滕牧師主持執行委員會,地點多在舊北宣雲華大廈的一間餐廳,開會連午飯只需一小時,非常有效率。後期有較多年輕牧者成為執委成員,他為了提攜後輩,改 在北宣開會,讓大家有充份時間討論和決定議案,而且他很樂意聽取不同意見。
每次滕牧師從外國回來,我到他辦公室,他總是關心各堂會和各堂同工的近況。有一次我告訴他大埔堂準備購買新址擴堂,但堂主任朱蔭康牧師說該堂經濟很緊,可 能要向北宣求助。想不到沒多久北宣就奉獻了一筆頗大的金錢給大埔堂。後來朱牧師告訴我,當時他很驚訝,因為大埔堂執事會根本還未開會和寫信向北宣求助!這 件事令我有很深刻的印象,滕牧師不單關心,更是迅速、實際地幫助堂會和同工。

滕牧師的記憶力驚人,講課不拿筆記或課本,就能系統地講述,到次上課,他不用問學生就能緊接上一課的內容講下去。學生有不明白時,他又能把上一課的內容一 字不漏的複述。據說有次某老師臨時請滕牧師代課,滕牧師進到教室問明學生這是什麼課程、上一課講到哪裡後,在沒有機會備課的情況下,就能接續講下去!學生 都聽得目瞪口呆。
畢業後我在宣道會秀茂坪堂事奉,看見滕牧師為宣道會區聯會全然擺上。當時區聯會沒有幹事,作主席的他凡事親力親為,親自寫年報,親自印報告分發給代表。我 受他的領袖風範感染,自薦為區聯會部份時間幹事,協助聯會事工。我為著北宣願意給滕牧師有一半時間在教會外事奉,感謝神和北宣。
那時滕牧師主持執行委員會,地點多在舊北宣雲華大廈的一間餐廳,開會連午飯只需一小時,非常有效率。後期有較多年輕牧者成為執委成員,他為了提攜後輩,改 在北宣開會,讓大家有充份時間討論和決定議案,而且他很樂意聽取不同意見。
每次滕牧師從外國回來,我到他辦公室,他總是關心各堂會和各堂同工的近況。有一次我告訴他大埔堂準備購買新址擴堂,但堂主任朱蔭康牧師說該堂經濟很緊,可 能要向北宣求助。想不到沒多久北宣就奉獻了一筆頗大的金錢給大埔堂。後來朱牧師告訴我,當時他很驚訝,因為大埔堂執事會根本還未開會和寫信向北宣求助!這 件事令我有很深刻的印象,滕牧師不單關心,更是迅速、實際地幫助堂會和同工。
滕近輝 BA, BD, LL.D,(1922年1月15日-)出生,他是基督教宣道會牧師,為著名華人教會牧者、'驅動差傳事工'的先鋒;亦是書法家、音樂家及神學教育家。 滕 近輝原籍山東青島,畢業於國立西北大學外文系,隨後遠赴蘇格蘭愛丁堡大學神學院深造,1950年畢業。1956年,滕近輝出任宣道會北角堂傳道,翌年被按 立為牧師,於宣道會北角堂牧養信徒達30年之久。1977年,滕近輝牧師與滕傅忠愛師母以身作則,前往印尼加里曼丹宣教一年。1987年退休後赴美,於紐 約州宣道會總會附設之「乃役學院(Nyack College)」北美華人教會事工道學碩士課程擔任系主任。 滕牧師曾先後出任建道神學院及中國神 學研究院義務院長,並曾擔任宣道會香港區聯會、世界華人福音事工聯絡中心、宣道出版社等十多間機構的董事會主席。現為宣道會香港區聯會榮譽主席及榮譽牧顧 長、宣道會北角堂榮譽顧問牧師、牧職神學院講師、世界華福會國際會榮譽主席等。現時,宣道會北角堂是香港宣道會中最大的教會,每主日崇拜人數超過五千人。 滕近輝牧師於1952年與傅忠愛女士結婚,育有子孫十多名。傅忠愛師母於1993年1月28日離世後,滕牧師於1997年11月8日與張佳音教士結婚(後者當時為牧職神學院院長),現時夫婦二人仍然活躍於基督教界,培育信徒。 滕近輝牧師著作 譯作: 音/視作品: 於2002年,宣道出版社為其八十大壽誌慶,發行《金輝歲月──滕近輝牧師八秩榮壽紀念》一書,當中把滕牧師多年來的詩作、書法、珍貴照片,以及過往著作中一些精警而充滿屬靈智慧的語句等整理,輯錄成書。 《路標》 (1971,宣道出版社) 《寫給信仰的追尋者》 (1971,宣道出版社) 《我是誰》(1975,道聲出版社) 《不自由的自由》(1978,道聲出版社) 《現代教會路線》(1978,校園團契出版社) 《靈力剖視-聖靈比喻研究》(1979,天道書樓) 《使徒時代教會的十二個危機》 (1982,宣道出版社) 《那從天上來的異象》(1982,宣道出版社) 《生命的事奉》 (1984,宣道出版社) 《八十年代的新挑戰》(1985,美國更新傳道會/基道出版社) 《時代的挑戰》 (1986,宣道出版社) 《詩苑靈程》(1987,宣道出版社) 《愛徒的叮嚀-約翰書信研究》(1989,宣道出版社) 《十二個基本屬靈律則》(1990,美國福音證主協會) 《舊約輔讀‧永恒之約 (卷上)》(1993,與曾立華合著,香港讀經會) 《那一程-滕近輝牧師、師母印尼加里曼丹宣教記》(1994,突破出版社) 《給我羊-滕近輝牧師牧養感言》 (1995,宣道出版社) 《在聖靈中長進》(1997,宣道出版社) 《聖經中的國度真理》 (1998,宣道出版社) 《活出和諧與美好》(1999,宣道出版社) 《偏差與平衡》(2002,宣道出版社) 《良言善導》(2004,與滕張佳音合著,宣道出版社) 《認識撒但的詭計》(2006,宣道出版社) 《認識勝利的人生》(2006,宣道出版社) 《一份禮物-給事奉的人》(中國神學研究院) 《聖經中的十大異象》(宣道出版社) 《靈程高處的經歷》(校園書房出版社) 《飲於能力之源》(陶恕、邦茲、古約翰著,1974,宣道出版社) 《祈禱出來的能力/POWER THROUGH PRAYER》(E.M.BOUNDS著,1972,宣道出版社) 《現代心靈的疾病》(狄樂恩著,宣道出版社) 《歲月燃燒》(1995,福音傳播中心) 與及一系列專題錄音帶、錄影(像)帶製品。 |
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